[作文号:3063278] 概要写作(2024-05-12)
要求:阅读教材Unit 4 text b 文章,写一篇字数不少于150词的英文概要。
[作文号:3056886] 案例分析1(2024-05-05)
要求:Reading the following case, make a case analysis over 150 words in different perspectives by following the rhetoric pattern.  The case is about ...The case can reflect ...In the case,...In conclusion,...CASEIn the following scenario, a Chinese doctor, a patient and a physiotherapist interact.A female neurologist from Beijing was working on a research project in a Toronto hospital. She shared a small office with a young Canadian male from a large family, who loved peanut butter. He was so fond of peanut butter that he kept a jar in the office. One day he came into the office and exclaimed, “Who took my peanut butter?” But the Chinese woman immediately felt accused. After all, there were only two of them in the office.She was deeply distressed, but true to her learned cultural behavior of never showing anger in public, she said nothing. Later that day she was working in a room where the physiotherapist was treating a patient who suffered paralysis  of his legs and arms from a motorcycle accident. The physiotherapist moved one of the patient’s legs in a way that caused him pain.“Ouch!” he cried.“Oh, I didn’t do that,” said the physiotherapist. “It was that doctor over there,” and he pointed to the Chinese woman.“How could she have done it since she’s on the other side of the room?” the patient pointed out.“Ah, she has three hands.” the physiotherapist replied.At these words the Chinese doctor became even more upset. She was so disturbed that she behaved in a way uncharacteristic of her culture. She waited until the patient had gone, and then said to the physiotherapist, “I’m very upset by what you said.” The physiotherapist was taken back. “What had I said?” “You said I had three hands,” the Chinese doctor finally choked. “You think I took the peanut butter.”
[作文号:3038178] 【百万同题】大学组-Promoting My Hometown's Products(2024-04-08)
要求:In this era of globalization, every place has its unique culture and products, which, like business cards, show the world the charm of this land. The rise of live-streaming e-commerce has provided a new platform for promoting local culture and products. This modern marketing method, with its unique interactivity and real-time, allows people far away from home to feel the breath of their hometown immediately and feel less homesick. It also enables consumers from all over the country to gain in-depth understanding of the characteristics and charm of different regions.Undoubtedly, you must also have a deep love for the land where you were born and raised, right? If given the opportunity to promote goods from your hometown, what would you choose? Would you promote traditional handcrafts, introducing the unique culture and distinct artistic styles behind them? Or would you promote local delicacies, introducing the sources of ingredients and cooking methods? Alternatively, would you promote the magnificent scenery of your hometown, introducing its distinctive attractions and tourist routes?Please write an essay titled "Promoting My Hometown's Products" based on the provided material, with a word count between 300-800 words, to let more people understand the culture, cuisine, and scenery of your hometown and experience its charm.参考译文:       在这个全球化的时代,每一个地方都有自己独特的文化和产品,它们如同一张张名片,向世界展示着这片土地的魅力。直播带货的兴起,为地方文化和产品的推广提供了一个全新的平台。这种现代化的营销方式,以其独特的互动性和实时性,让远在他乡的人们能够即刻感受到家乡的气息,同时也让全国各地的消费者能够深入了解不同地区的特色和魅力。       你也一定很热爱生你养你的那片土地吧?如果让你为家乡带货,你会选择什么呢?是推广家乡的传统手工艺品,介绍工艺品背后的文化内涵和独特的艺术风格; 是推广家乡的特色美食,介绍食材的来源和制作方法;还是推广家乡的壮丽风景,介绍家乡的特色景点和旅游线路。      请根据材料提示,以“我为家乡带货”为题写一篇300-800词作文,让更多人了解你家乡的文化,美食、风景,感受家乡的魅力。      *请不要机译题干,否则作品将不被采纳。
[作文号:2967446] 案例分析3(2023-11-19)
要求:Reading the following case, make a case analysis over 150 words in different perspectives by following the rhetoric pattern.  The case is about that...The case can reflect that...In the case,...In conclusion,...Case Fred was a consultant to the Philippines Department of Education and Manuel was a lecturer at a local university in Manila. They became friends after working together for some time. Fred found Manuel open and honest and a very clear thinker. One day they both attended a reception for the visiting officials and had been enjoying themselves well after the banquet started.With a drink in his hand, Manuel nudged Fred and with a small smile quietly asked him, "who is the most beautiful woman at the reception?"Fred was amused by the question and looked around the room. Then he pointed at a woman dressed in black standing over by the food table. He had noticed her earlier in the evening."Who?" asked Manuel, a bit confused."That woman right there dressed in black," Fred exclaimed in a louder voice."Her?" Manuel asked with disbelief and surprise in his eyes Why? She's just a maid; I'm asking you about women!Hearing this, Fred was even more confused than Manuel. "Isn't she a woman? And everyone can tell she looks beautiful in that black dress."
[作文号:2955969] 案例分析2(2023-11-06)
要求:Reading the following case, make a case analysis over 150 words in different perspectives by following the rhetoric pattern.  The case is about that...The case can reflect that...In the case,...In conclusion,...Case As one of North America's largest importers of cotton garments, Great Northern Apparel of Toronto decided it was high time to start sourcing men's shirts in China. From a trade contract in the United States vice president Pete Martin heard about Evergreen Garments, a large manufacturer in Guangzhou specialized in supplying the US. Market.After considerable correspondence Pete Martin flew to Guangzhou to finalize the purchase agreement for 8, 000 dozen shirts. Discussion with the Evergreen Garment people proceeded amiably. Pete and the Evergreen needed a full week of meetings to agree on fabric construction, size and color breakdown, packing, delivery, price, payment terms and the other details of a large transaction.Exhausted from these lengthy negotiations, Pete was really looking forward to the signing ceremony. At this point, however, Pete remembered that Evergreen had not yet exported garments to Canada and might not be familiar with Canadian labeling requirements. So he explained that all apparel sold in Canada must have labels with the fiber content and laundering instructions in both French and English.This news caused the Chinese side some concern because they lacked French language expertise and strongly preferred labeling only in Chinese and English. Managing Director Wang replied with a smile, "Mr. Martin, I am afraid that supplying labels in French and English will be difficult. This question will require a further study.”Pete Martin repeated that bilingual French/English labels were required by Canadian law. “Please understand that we really have no choice on this---it's the law.”After a short discussion with his team, Mr. Wang again spoke up with a smile: “Mr. Martin, we will give your request serious consideration. I'm afraid it will be very difficult, but of course we at Evergreen Garments will do our best to, solve the problem.” Relieved to have settled this final detail, Pete signed the contract of purchase and said his formal goodbyes to Mr. Wang and his Evergreen team.Seven months later Pete got a call from the quality control chief at the Great Northern warehouse. “Mr. Martin, we have a problem. You know those 96,000 shirts that just came in from China? Well, they've got bilingual labels on them all right, but they’re in English and Chinese!” Pete Martin was stunned. He thought Evergreen had agreed to supply French/English label.
[作文号:2924952] 案例分析1(2023-10-06)
要求:Reading the following case, make a case analysis over 150 words in different perspectives by following the rhetoric pattern.  The case is about that...The case can reflect that...In the case,...In conclusion,...CASEIn the following scenario, a Chinese doctor, a patient and a physiotherapist interact.A female neurologist from Beijing was working on a research project in a Toronto hospital. She shared a small office with a young Canadian male from a large family, who loved peanut butter. He was so fond of peanut butter that he kept a jar in the office. One day he came into the office and exclaimed, “Who took my peanut butter?” But the Chinese woman immediately felt accused. After all, there were only two of them in the office.She was deeply distressed, but true to her learned cultural behavior of never showing anger in public, she said nothing. Later that day she was working in a room where the physiotherapist was treating a patient who suffered paralysis  of his legs and arms from a motorcycle accident. The physiotherapist moved one of the patient’s legs in a way that caused him pain.“Ouch!” he cried.“Oh, I didn’t do that,” said the physiotherapist. “It was that doctor over there,” and he pointed to the Chinese woman.“How could she have done it since she’s on the other side of the room?” the patient pointed out.“Ah, she has three hands.” the physiotherapist replied.At these words the Chinese doctor became even more upset. She was so disturbed that she behaved in a way uncharacteristic of her culture. She waited until the patient had gone, and then said to the physiotherapist, “I’m very upset by what you said.” The physiotherapist was taken back. “What had I said?” “You said I had three hands,” the Chinese doctor finally choked. “You think I took the peanut butter.”
[作文号:2893097] 概要写作(2023-06-05)
[作文号:2885969] 案例分析2(2023-05-27)
要求:Reading the following case, make a case analysis over 150 words in different perspectives by following the rhetoric pattern.  The case is about that...The case can reflect that...In the case,...In conclusion,...Case As one of North America's largest importers of cotton garments, Great Northern Apparel of Toronto decided it was high time to start sourcing men's shirts in China. From a trade contract in the United States vice president Pete Martin heard about Evergreen Garments, a large manufacturer in Guangzhou specialized in supplying the US. Market.After considerable correspondence Pete Martin flew to Guangzhou to finalize the purchase agreement for 8, 000 dozen shirts. Discussion with the Evergreen Garment people proceeded amiably. Pete and the Evergreen needed a full week of meetings to agree on fabric construction, size and color breakdown, packing, delivery, price, payment terms and the other details of a large transaction.Exhausted from these lengthy negotiations, Pete was really looking forward to the signing ceremony. At this point, however, Pete remembered that Evergreen had not yet exported garments to Canada and might not be familiar with Canadian labeling requirements. So he explained that all apparel sold in Canada must have labels with the fiber content and laundering instructions in both French and English.This news caused the Chinese side some concern because they lacked French language expertise and strongly preferred labeling only in Chinese and English. Managing Director Wang replied with a smile, "Mr. Martin, I am afraid that supplying labels in French and English will be difficult. This question will require a further study.”Pete Martin repeated that bilingual French/English labels were required by Canadian law. “Please understand that we really have no choice on this---it's the law.”After a short discussion with his team, Mr. Wang again spoke up with a smile: “Mr. Martin, we will give your request serious consideration. I'm afraid it will be very difficult, but of course we at Evergreen Garments will do our best to, solve the problem.” Relieved to have settled this final detail, Pete signed the contract of purchase and said his formal goodbyes to Mr. Wang and his Evergreen team.Seven months later Pete got a call from the quality control chief at the Great Northern warehouse. “Mr. Martin, we have a problem. You know those 96,000 shirts that just came in from China? Well, they've got bilingual labels on them all right, but they’re in English and Chinese!” Pete Martin was stunned. He thought Evergreen had agreed to supply French/English label.
[作文号:2869458] 案例分析1(2023-05-08)
要求:Reading the following case, make a case analysis over 150 words in different perspectives by following the rhetoric pattern.  The case is about that...The case can reflect that...In the case,...In conclusion,...CASEIn the following scenario, a Chinese doctor, a patient and a physiotherapist interact.A female neurologist from Beijing was working on a research project in a Toronto hospital. She shared a small office with a young Canadian male from a large family, who loved peanut butter. He was so fond of peanut butter that he kept a jar in the office. One day he came into the office and exclaimed, “Who took my peanut butter?” But the Chinese woman immediately felt accused. After all, there were only two of them in the office.She was deeply distressed, but true to her learned cultural behavior of never showing anger in public, she said nothing. Later that day she was working in a room where the physiotherapist was treating a patient who suffered paralysis  of his legs and arms from a motorcycle accident. The physiotherapist moved one of the patient’s legs in a way that caused him pain.“Ouch!” he cried.“Oh, I didn’t do that,” said the physiotherapist. “It was that doctor over there,” and he pointed to the Chinese woman.“How could she have done it since she’s on the other side of the room?” the patient pointed out.“Ah, she has three hands.” the physiotherapist replied.At these words the Chinese doctor became even more upset. She was so disturbed that she behaved in a way uncharacteristic of her culture. She waited until the patient had gone, and then said to the physiotherapist, “I’m very upset by what you said.” The physiotherapist was taken back. “What had I said?” “You said I had three hands,” the Chinese doctor finally choked. “You think I took the peanut butter.”
[作文号:2852310] 【百万同题】大学组(2023-04-18)
要求:In 2023, the most popular TV series "The Knockout (狂飙, Kuangbiao)" made Zhang Songwen a model for good acting. After years of practicing his craft, he accumulated enough skill and finally gained recognition from the public in his 47th year. His life story is touching: he was rejected over 800 times in three years before becoming famous in China. He is indifferent to fame and fortune, and has refused many performance invitations due to disagreements with his partners on role interpretation or script quality.For ordinary people like us, we can also gain a lot of inspiration from Zhang Songwen's experience. Many people are afraid of rejection and failure, but in fact, everyone will go through this process. The key is to persistently pursue our own dreams and never give up. At the same time, we should pay attention to our inner selves and not lose our principles and conscience for fame and fortune. Please write a 300–800-word commentary on the unique phenomenon of "two-way rejection" experienced by Zhang Songwen. You can explain your argument and reasons based on your personal experience and please give a valid argument to show this compare and contrast with this Chinese Hero.参考译文:2023年最爆火的电视剧《狂飙》的热播,使得张颂文成为了一个好演员的典范——沉寂多年打磨演技后积累了足够的实力,并最终得到了大众的认可。作为励志的典范,他的人生经历让人动容:三年内被拒绝了800多次,直到47岁才红遍中国;他淡泊名利,因为角色理解或剧本质量上与合作方的分歧,他曾拒绝了众多演出邀约。对于我们平凡人,也可以从张颂文的经历中得到很多启示。很多人害怕被拒绝,害怕失败,但其实每个人都会经历这一过程,关键是要不放弃,坚持不懈地追寻自己的梦想。同时也要注重自己的内心,不要为了名利而失去自己的准则和良心。请就张颂文所经历的“双向拒绝”这一独特现象撰写一篇300-800词的评论文章,你可以根据自己的个人经验以及有效论据来阐释自己的论点和解释原因。
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